The Project
Poddar Foundation aims to focus on the children ecosystem to bring back physical activities in their life and raise awareness levels about mental and physical health with specific focus on obesity and junk food.
Poddar Foundation, in collaboration with the IMA aims in the collection and digitization of health data of school going children in reference to age, sex and location which helps in keeping a track of their daily wellbeing on a collective basis. This is the first of it’s kind data collection in the country to map the children’s BMI levels across many schools the entire state.
The specific data collected will be put in use to create and plan different campaigns and awareness programmes both preventive and curative throughout the state.
Considering the fact that health issues such as obesity and Low BMI (Body Mass Index) have taken over our country resulting in the poor physical and mental wellbeing of our children. Poddar foundation strives to work hard towards creating awareness amongst the young minds about this fatal issue moving towards the eradication of the same.
Due to the concern over childhood obesity and it's rapid growth we have initiated the first of its kind attempt to make our children healthy in long run.
Poddar Foundation Initiative with IMA & Kewal Kapoor (IEC Expert) and in alignment with resources from Government will take on this challenge to create long term impact.